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Mini is a British automotive marque founded in 1969. If you need service and repair manual for this make you came to right place. Owned by BMW from 2000, and used by them for a range of small cars. The word Mini has been used in car model names since 1959 in 1969. It became a marque in its own right when the name “Mini”. It replaced the separate “Austin ” and “Morris” car model names. BMW acquired the it in 1994 when it bought Rover Group, which owned it, among other brands.
The original Mini was a line of British small cars manufactured by the British Motor Corporation. In 1966 became part of British Motor Holdings. In 2000 was broken up with BMW retaining the Mini brand. Development of a modern successor to the Mini began in 1995. Entirely new Mini model was launched in 2001 by BMW. The current Mini range includes the Hardtop, Hatch, Convertible (three-door hatchback), Clubman (estate), Countryman 5-door, Coupe-Roadster and Paceman 3 door crossover based on the Countryman.
This repair manuals can save you time and money. All manuals are complete with all your car repair information. This manual will never get ruined. As you can keep it safely on any of your devices.
You will enjoy learning how to repair the different parts of your car. It will make you appreciate the knowledge and stay up to date with all of your vehicle needs and repairs.
Now, you don’t have to call your mechanic for the simplest car repairs. You can do it in your garage or repair shop. It’s a fun activity that allows you to learn and save money by fixing your car by yourself.
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